use the yolks to make an omelet or french toast or make lemon curd!!! But I gathered enough to fill a one-cup measuring cup and made this Rhubarb Muffin Recipe. Made these muffins and they are rather rubbery in texture and besides the chocolate, not a whole lot of flavor. I will definitely make again. I’d get my fix. Jul 19, 2019 - Mother's Day is just around the corner. That’s huge considering she’s pretty picky, and perfect as I found a new make-ahead breakfast recipe to add to my rotation. My granddaughter loved them. It was my first time trying it and usually when I try something for the first time I follow it exactly. Baked a bit longer than 18 minutes  as the top wasn’t browning. Read more at, Hi Irene! I put 1/2 teaspoon. Also – some of the measurements seemed odd to me….for example, I don’t measure chocolate chips in tablespoons! Could I make them the same way (love the protein with the greek yogurt! My 7 year old is currently eating her second muffin in a row and commented that I shouldn’t tell her  dad about them because she doesn’t want him to eat them all so I would say these were a success. Love your recipes Gina! Any suggestions? Still delicious mind you…Do you think this is because I mixed them by hand? Came out wonderful! The next time, I switched back to Greek yogurt. Totally ignored, yet it grew like a weed. I also used regular flour and whole wheat flour. Bake it for my breakfast but hubby and kids finished them in an hour. Can these be made with a whole wheat flour or perhaps an almond flour instead? I'm Liz and have been cooking, baking and teaching since I was a teenager, with over 40 years of experience. So light and delicious. I also used silicon muffin cups, so no need for cooking spray. How many WW points would these be with blueberries instead of chocolate? You can google how to make self rising cake flour, food52 has a good recipe. I don’t keep cake flour on hand but I have found around 200g All-Purpose flour with 2T corn starch works just as well. Loved this recipe but when measuring out the Greek yogurt I used dry measuring cups and wasn’t sure if I should have measured it in a liquid measuring cup. Harder to do with a streusel topping, but you can also tap the top of the muffin and if the indentation stays, the muffins need more time in the oven. They are perfect. How much splenda should I use in place of the sugar? Can I leave out the eggs or what can I substitute eggs with? One question, might be a dumb one – could I use blueberries in a batch and would they turn out like blueberry muffins? I did not feel like the muffins were too sweet, but if I can get a similar taste with less sugar – why not! Any ideas on how to reduce the sugar or slip in something healthy for kids? At first I wasn’t sure if they were sweet enough so i topped them with a sprinkle of raw sugar. Mine came out very dense. I’m not a chocolate fan, so I omitted chocolate chips, added 1Tbs lemon juice, 1tsp lemon zest, and 1Tbs poppy seeds. If I omit the points for the butter (15 points) I come up with a solid 7 points. I would add some milk/liquid to this also as the batter would be dry with the addition of these ingredients. We make these often. The SmartPoints® calculator isn’t meant for recipes and will often give you the wrong points (usually higher) because it’s counting the fruits and vegetables. When you combine the wet and dry ingredients, they should be gently mixed just until combined. My family went nuts for these Thanks for such awesome recipes! I also substituted trivia cane sugar blend  for regular sugar. Excellent taste and texture. I’m not sure if it’s this recipe or in particular or the new brand of flour (used a different one previously) but I am IMPRESSED! Looking forward to breakfasts this week for sure! sorry, not much of a baker! They come out good but dense and crispy. Bake 18-22 minutes. she loves milk chocolate so only time I use it is in these. MyFitnessPal has a great recipe builder function. This information will not be used for any purpose other than enabling you to post a comment. I use cake flour. Gracias! I used Swans Down Cake Flour and they turned out just fine. Even my picky 2 year that tells me he hates whatever Im baking as Im baking it LOVED them! I made chocolate chip, blueberry, raspberry and chocolate raspberry muffins. I made these GF, and I swapped out 3T. How much lemon zest and juice? I could just eat all of them once a tray is baked. Converting 9 tbsp to a heaping 1/2 cup worked out very well. These are SO good! What do you mean a 1:1 ratio when substituting GF flour for cake flour? My kids love ’em and I feel satisfied after just one. The only accurate way to determine any recipe’s SmartPoints® value is to plug the ingredients into the recipe builder on the Weight Watchers website (Click on “My Foods,” select “Recipe,” and click “Create a recipe.”) which does not count fruits and vegetables in recipes in the calculations as they are now 0 points. Used 2 eggs instead of 3 egg whites, didn’t want to waste 2 egg yolks. Thank you for all you do for us. Do you have a gluten free version of this recipe? If i were to put unflavored protein powder in the batter do you think it would affect the muffins? They’re slightly sweet, have that delicious muffin top crust that everyone loves, and are a little denser than a cupcake but still have a soft and tender crumb. I had some extra so I ended up with 12 regular muffins and 12 mini muffins. I even printed a chart up and kept it on my refrigerator for easy access. Bake at 375° or until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean, about 16 to 18 minutes. Disregard the word nodical. Whole-wheat pastry flour keeps the texture light and moist, while quinoa adds a punch of protein. Thank you so much!! Should have added walnuts and kept some banana chunks in there since they turned out to taste very much like banana bread. 44 Comments // Leave a Comment ». Thank you for all the good recipes! My 3 year old and I made these for breakfast today. Everyone loved these! I followed the recipe exactly as posted (used whole eggs though) and these are delicious! 2nd I tried the ricotta cheese version – they were dense and didn’t rise. They remind me of eating a piece of chocolate chip cake. and then subtract and add ? These were EXCELLENT! In a large bowl with a hand mixer, mix and cream the butter and sugar on medium setting for about 2 minutes. I double or quadruple the recipe (I have a 24-muffin pan) and freeze the muffins for easy weekday breakfasts. These are amazing! I will definitely make again! My food philosophy is to eat seasonal, whole foods and maintain good portion control (everything in moderation!). of lemon juice and they are delicious! Gina I love your recipes and have for a few years. I’m actually going to try making them using flavored Greek yogurt and less sugar. Even my picky husband couldn’t tell that they were WW friendly. Great comments from everyone. I’m also getting 8 points. Love the texture. My whole family loves them and they’re super simple to make. You can make your own cake flour. Gently fold the wet ingredients into the dry ingredients, being careful not to overmix. These whole grain muffins combine rhubarb's signature tartness with the sweet flavors of honey and vanilla. The recipe made 19 muffins. Any idea what the almond flour did to the points? cornstarch to make cake flour, used 1/2 C. dark chocolate chips, and added a pinch of salt. Gina— I made these yesterday and as with your other yogurt baking recipes, they turned out great. Rhubarb Muffins. I made these- added banana and a scoop of poppy seeds-. I entered the nutrition facts for one serving into the WW app calculator exactly as they are recorded at the end of the recipe and it gives me 8 Freestyle points. Pour into greased or paper-lined muffin cups. These yogurt chocolate chip muffins were such a hit with my daughter Madison! I’m thinking about making these blueberry muffins. Thanks for this! Mine came out with almost a rubbery outer covering because I used too much cooking spray (as another person advised). These muffins are great! Would love to try to add some protein as a quick on-the-go breakfast! Perfect. I also replaced the vanilla with the juice and zest of half a lemon…absolutely perfect. Both with and without the raw sugar, they were very good and sweet enough. I also make several recipes from this website and have the most recent cookbook and have loved everything I have made so far. So delicious !!! I’m using this as a weight watcher recipe and figure this muffin is now between two and three points. So when I made a double batch the other day I used a total of 10 tbsp mini chocolate chips and it seems to be a good amount. They were definitely a hit. Like really dry .??? The pieces are good in low points muffins - add a lot of flavor. What can I do differently to make them more moist? These muffins will for sure be my favourite for a long long time. Hi Gina! Made these this morning exactly as directed and they are delicious! Should the egg whites be beat until peaks form or just blended? In a bowl, combine first five ingredients; mix well. My rhubarb is pencil-thin. Bake the muffins for 18 to 20 minutes, until a toothpick inserted into the middle of one of the center muffins comes out clean. Could I be doing something wrong? Light spray should be OK. I’ll try this next time!!! Do they have to be refrigerated due to the greek yogurt, or can I store in a container on counter? I’ve done them with blueberries and they’re delicious. I have all the ingredients exactly as written, but it keeps coming up as 8 points! Could this recipe be made into a pumpkin muffin? I’ve been trying to reduce my grains and was just wondering if anyone had tried this approach. I substituted frozen blueberries. My kids loved the store bought chocolate chip muffins, so I was concerned that they make not like a healthier version. Mine  flopped I used TJ GF flour ? I would probably add 1/4 cup of cocoa powder and add another 1/4 cup of sugar – then taste the batter to see if it needed more sugar. Hi, I’m Gina Homolka, a busy mom of two girls, author and recipe developer here at Or cake flour? Still good, but not like a traditional muffin or cupcake. Hopefully these muffins will make it past my picky taste buds. Don’t worry about getting all the lumps out — over-mixing will make your muffins tough. And lastly….unless you buy Greek yogurt in large containers, 10 oz. Can’t wait for the muffins to cool and try them too. My muffins also didn’t turn golden brown but they came out tasting great, will make again! I love these as large muffins and mini muffins. Could I use non dairy coconut probiotic yogurt in place of dairy? of lemon juice and allowed it to sit for 5 minutes. Bake for 22-25 minutes, until the muffins look dry on top and are turning slightly golden brown. I made a batch with blueberries and the other with the chocolate chips. Let me know how they come out if you try it! Could you use Dark Chocolate chips instead of the semi-sweet? Made these last night and subsituted blueberries for the chocolate cihps and added a tblsp. The texture is nice and fluffy and they’re just the right amount of sweet. My grandma used to buy in a box, similar to nodical bisquick types box, but I think it was red. I love them. I have a Heston. Do you mind telling what brands you are using that might be lower points than what I have? Read more at Take on can of coconut milk, the regular kind, not fat free kind. I made these tonight with my selective-eater 7-year-old. I used GF flour – definitely will make these again soon. I am  making breakfast for my niece’s baby shower, and I thought these might be a nice choice on the menu. I love them all! OMG, best choc. I accidentally bought whole milk Greek yogurt so I switched the chocolate chips to blueberries. I dunno. Gina you NAILED IT with this one. Can you use any other flour in place of self rising cake flour? I love this recipe – on it’s own merits, but also because it’s such a great template. I even left them in a few extra minutes. Directions. Can’t wait to make these muffins! I want to make this but all my muffin tins are packed away. After reading through the comments I wanted to say about the flour – I didn’t realize about the flour. I’m going to substitute 1/3 baking Truvia plus 2T sugar to lower the sugar. (Well – he asked to take them all – we settled on two). I will definitely be making these this weekend! Can I use spelt flour? Taste delicious and like a super sweet dessert treat. They love them – and there are few things that these three teen (one tween) boys agree on. These Yogurt Chocolate Chip Muffins are so moist and high in protein thanks to Greek Yogurt! ???????? My grand daughter would just love these. These look delicious! They are so light and not too sweet at all. I’m thinking of either subbing egg replacer or Aquafaba got the eggs but Im curious what you may have used if you made them. Next time (and there will definitely be a next time!) LOVE them all! My husband was recently diagnosed with diabetes and finding good recipes that I feel good about making for him is challenging. Any chance you could substitute applesauce for at least some of the sugar? Just took these out of the oven and devoured one-They are absolutely delicious! Thank you! I never know when to refrigerate something or leave it out once it’s been made. I did have to make a few alterations due to having an egg allergy and not having cake flour on hand. To substitute cake flour for self rising cake flour in this recipe add 2-2/3 tsp baking powder and 1/3 tsp salt. ... Easy Low Carb Recipes. These came out so dry . I wanted to know this too! Welcome to That Skinny Chick Can Bake! Everyday is an experiment .., no failures just have to adjust a little to improve. The are very good and not too sweet which I like. In many of the comments, I see you say self rising is best. So heavenly when it was divvied out still warm from the oven and served with a scoop of vanilla ice cream melting into all the nooks and crannies. How much cocoa powder would be needed and would i need less flour? Can you create them Gluten Free? News & Media Website. ???????? Crunchy-Top Chocolate Chip Orange Muffins [adapted from my oatmeal chocolate chip cookie muffins] makes 12 muffins 1 cup whole wheat pastry flour 1/2 cup all-purpose flour 1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder 1/4 teaspoon salt 1/3 cup granulated sugar 1 cup milk (any kind will work) 1/4 cup freshly squeeze orange juice 1 large egg 2 … One recommendation would be to add a little salt to enhance the flavor. We loved these muffins! Do you think these would work with 2% greek yogurt? For my flour I used einkorn flour. Is this normal? This time I decided to make some changes to lower the points especially the sweetness level. Or brunch and a batch with blueberries and they ’ ll be as! Recipe in the sifter with the greek yogurt the type of sweetener ready. Worked nicely in this recipe Truvia baking blend before and i recommend buying a measuring cup or bowl beat! Or quadruple the recipe ingredients into the center comes out clean, about 16 18. 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