What is wrong with my sedum? Botanical Name: Sedum hispanicum. Flowers are small, star-shaped, yellow, and appear in spring. Tips to take care of the Sedum Adolphii . Sounds to me like it might be a disease - it's certainly not something I've seen before. Any watering is from "mother nature". A peculiarity of golden sedum is that if it is exposed to full sun for long periods, its leaves will turn reddish-brown. As the condition worsens the leaves begin to turn yellow and fall off the plant. It’s best to use the “soak and dry” method, and allow the soil to dry out completely between waterings. Dip the end of the leaf in rooting hormone, then stick the stalk into a moist potting soil. Sedum rubrotinctum can grow up to 12-inches (30cm), is a member of the Crassulaceae family and is native to Mexico. Then shoots and more leaves began to grow. Sedum morganianum. In this case, you might notice there was some overwatering. Then, cut them off into a paper bag and set the bag aside to allow the seed heads to dry. Inthe Summer they attract dozens of pollinators, bees and butterflies as soon as the flower heads form and they are easy to propagate. Sedum telephium grows to a height of 30-60 cm and flowers from July to September in old pink to purple tones. Overpotting leaves more volume for excess moisture to remain in the soil. Dead foliage typically falls off the stem, though it will sometimes remain in place. Leaves that fall to the ground can take root rather quickly. If you want something evergreen, take a look at the creeping sedum 'Angelina.' Yellow leaves on a Sedum nussbaumerianum ‘Coppertone Stonecrop’ plant is usually from cultivation problems. Sedum Rot. ritamoon@aol.com: Sep 17, 2015: I have some form of sedum, flower heads are pinkish. To propagate your sedum using leaf cuttings, snip off only healthy leaves with a very sharp knife, making sure each of them also has a short piece of stem. It is in a natural environment in full sun. The sedum has done really well in this location for a couple of years until this week. 1. Close. 0. There are a few easy steps you can take to prevent the problem in your garden or on your houseplant. Leaf propagation is faster and more predictable than starting your plants from seeds. Both issues create serious problems for sedum if they are allowed to spread and coalesce, at which point they can overrun the plant and kill it. Most of the times, the soil will take you what’s wrong with your plant. I have a nice little garden with a variety of different sedum's in it, it's a relatively new garden (2-3 years). Leaf Blotch Leaf blotch or botrytis is a gray mold attacking sedum leaves and flowers. All diseased plant parts should be removed and thrown away. The green-hued leaves turn to purple-red or brown with time. My current thoughts on the yellowing leaves: usually an indicator of dehydration, however it is important to know that this dehydration can often be caused by root rot. 1. - Knowledgebase Question. These plants can tolerate long periods of drought, but they do need moisture to thrive. Yellow Leaves. They are all very easy to grow, requiring no attention once planted. Allow the soil to dry completely before watering again. If you want to harvest seed from your sedum to plant more next year, wait for the flowers to wilt and turn brown. The leaves turn blood red in fall before dropping for winter. I leave the seed heads on over winter, they look great in the Autumn and also when dusted with frost. Sedum spectabile flowers in August and September and grows to a height of 50 cm. It is becoming extremely leggy. Sedum rubrotinctum propagates very fast. Most likely the soil is staying wet for far too long and not drying out fast enough. Soil. Yellow Leaves. Pay attention to other things that are going on with your plant. Stretches or become leggy with elongated growth: Inadequate light. Though not normal for many cacti, this normally dull grey-green Copiapoa hypogea (as in left photo) can turn a sickly orange-brown (right) from severe dehydration and high heat but still be fairly healthy. My Haworthia's leaves are turning brown from the crown out, I think it's overwatering but I'd like a second opinion. Prefers full sun, height 10cm, evergreen Sedum album (White stonecrop): Appearance changes with the seasons: wet periods-green and lush, dry periods-can be red, bronze or brown. It grows small star-shaped yellow flowers. Blue Tears. The leaves will wrinkle, usually at the bottom, when the plant needs water. They pretty much stay green all year round. This will only work if the damage is mainly concentrated on a few leaves or the tips of the leaves. Starting from the bottom, the outside tip of the leaves are "blistering" and eventually turning tan. First off, take a look at the soil. Rot destroys the root system and prevents water from getting to the leaves. The mold causes the formation of dark round blotches with leaves and flowers turning brown and eventually dying. It has been growing well, and the color has been superb, until about a week to ten days ago. They are drought-tolerant, hardy and look stunning in rockeries, hanging baskets and water-wise gardens. Transmission Keeping blight from a garden is impossible. A few weeks ago I noticed a few of the leaves were dramatically curled over. Sedum rubrotinctum has typical water needs to other succulents. Affected leaves eventually turn yellow, then brown. Watering. I have a Sedum "Black Jack" purchased last year as a 2" and potted up into a one gallon container. Older leaves turning yellow, transparent and soggy: Overwatered. 32. Leaves turning yellow can be for different reasons: Watering issues. Autumn Joy Sedum is loosing bottom leaves. On this page are many images of Sedum, and they are one of my top ten plants. Leaf spots are dark spots that appear on the tops of the leaves, while rust spots are rusty orange, black or brown lesions that form underneath the leaves. Brown calloused patches on the leaves: Sunburn. Never leave sedum in standing water, as they’re very susceptible to root rot. USDA Zone: 5a-10b. This can happen - especially if you are moving plants outdoors after a Winter inside. A plant that's totally infected should be destroyed. My Autumn Joy sedum has leaf drop. How To Grow And Care For Sedum Rubrotinctum. JaspersMom. Although I pick a few drying stalks to use in arrangements, we leave our sedum plants whole rather than cut them back. They grow 10 – 20cm tall, eventually lean back to the ground and trail producing new roots where it touches soil. I left it outside all winter in the pot, and it came through just fine. These Crassula Tetragona ‘Miniature Pine Trees’ are the same way. Sedum 'Vera Jamison': burgundy leaves and mauve flowers with a trailing habit; Sedum 'Black Jack': deep burgundy, almost black, foliage and a strong upright habit; Sedum 'Cloud Nine' features variegated foliage; Read More. Question by Ferguson1020 June 9, 2006. The gray-green leaves turn yellowish in autumn. I love them and so do the bees. The most prevelant diseases are fungal diseases on sedums. Under-watering. When they are dry, set a screen over a bowl and thresh the seeds over the bowl, allowing the small, thin seeds to fall through the screen while the rest of the debris collects on top. The flowers are nice, but no leaves. Dried Autumn Joy provides visual interest throughout the winter, standing tall even in the snow. Droopy leaves on succulent specimens mean the soil has been dry as a bone for quite some time. If I notice the leaves turning a different color like brown or yellow, then I … What could be causing this. Image Source: davesgarden. Leaves can turn yellow from watering issues. The tips of its leaves turn red when it is happily stressed. Collapsed, mushy, grey-yellow leaves: Frost. Leave the bottom section as-is, and don’t water it until the soil is dry (all the way to the bottom of the pot). In spring, as the succulent, new green growth emerges, I break off the old dry stems and add them to my dried flower collection. Make sure the plant is in the right potting mix that is well draining (see above for soil suggestions). Succulents store moisture in their thick leaves or pads. bogart, GA. Spanish Stonecrop. Sedum bellums form rosettes of tiny, fleshy, chocolate brown – green leaves on a sturdy trailing stem. The variety ‘Herbstfreude‘ has brown-red inflorescences. Hi Deb-Hearing your Lemon Ball Sedum is turning white makes me believe it has a fungal disease. If there are vegetables already growing the blight may begin to rot them also. I hope someone can give me some advice on this. Tall Sedum Varieties. This low-growing perennial succulent has blue-green foliage. Substratum The golden sedum prefers to grow on rocky substrates, but it can also be sown on any type of cactus substrate. Also known as stonecrop, sedum is a boon to almost any garden, whether the plant is grown for showy flowers or attractive foliage. If the plant is well watered and the leaves are turning yellow, feel mushy and swollen, the plant is being overwatered. 33. Irregular new growth: Pest issue. Sedum rubrotinctum, also known as Sedum x rubrotinctum, is a popular succulent, up to 8 inches (20 cm) tall, with sprawling stems that are covered with tightly packed bean-shaped leaves. Eventually the leaf turns brown and falls to the soil where the spores sit and wait for the next available warm, wet, plant surface so the fungal leaf spot process can begin again. The infestation is normally noted when the stem near the soil begins to turn dark brown or black. I potted the sedum in cactus potting soil with some perlite and put it on a shelf underneath my grow lights. Before you ever see wilting succulents, you can observe signs of a parched plant in its leaves. They produce a cluster of orange flowers on tall stems. Although succulents like sun, midday sun can cause their leaves to burn. Sedum turning brown. Upper leaves getting wilted, wrinkled, and crispy dry: Underwatered. Heavy frost, root rot, crown rot, over fertilization, or possibly coming in contact with herbicides would most likely turn leaves yellow, brown or black before dying. Sedum hispanicum: Compact mat forming evergreen pale blue green leaves, turning reddish in winter, clusters of salmon pale pink flowers in the summer. Although not fatal to plants, powdery mildew makes the foliage unattractive and repeated bouts of the disease will gradually weaken the plant. Answer from NGA June 9, 2006. Thus, what to do when succulents leaves are turning yellow? Archived. Garden Planning. 12 years ago. While it’s unlikely that the original plant will survive, it’s worth waiting to see! If you’re lucky, a few days of drying-out time will allow the plant to recover from the over-watering, and it may start to put off new growth. Later blight may affect the stem along joints. The leaves are up to 0.8 inches (2 cm) long, glossy green with red tips that turn to bronze in the summer months. If your succulent’s leaves have turned brown and mushy as a result of being outside in cold weather, you can try to save them by removing the damaged leaves or trimming them with a pair of pruning shears. Preventing Plant Leaf Spots. I think it was Sedum ewersii, Sedum sieboldii, Sedum cauticola or a species very closely related. Overwatering and underwatering can both cause the leaves to turn yellow. Empty the saucer below your pot after each watering. Well, keep reading to learn how you can step in and fix this issue and also to prevent more damage to the plant. Size: 6-10 inches. The soil is good & dry and will drained. Posted by 2 years ago. My Haworthia's leaves are turning brown from the crown out, I think it's overwatering but I'd like a second opinion . As the weather becomes warmer, the leaves turn blue-grey in color. You may like: Mother of Thousands vs Mother of Millions. When succulent leaves are drooping, it is time to act. The bottom leaves are turning brown and dying. Brown/beige/white marks on leaves: This could be sunburn. Repot the plant if needed in a more suitable potting mix. If the leaves turn brown or yellow, I know it is a sign that something else is wrong with the plant.