Comentario de ladynagini on 2020-01-15T06:22:46-06:00. Can confirm. This week, the Salvage Crates are from Crestfall, Verdant Wilds, and Jorundall offering many mounts and transmog options if you have enough Dubloons. Can confirm. Each of these items contains at least 3 pieces of loot normally obtained from end-of island rewards. Commento di ladynagini on 2020-01-15T06:22:46-06:00. In the Mount Items category. They are sold by a new vendor near the Island Expedition Map Table - Captain Kitt for the Horde and Captain Nightrunner for the Alliance. Jorundall-Salvage =====drops =====Island-Thunderscale -- Stonehide-Elderhorn -- Bloodgorged-Hunter Comentado por TheWheatOne How does this guy … I got one from my first Rotting Mire box. In Patch 8.3, you can now spend your Dubloons on Salvage Crates by the Island Expedition vendor. Added in World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth. A mount collection item. This week, the Salvage Crates are from Crestfall, Rotting Mire and Jorundall offering a possible 4 mounts if you have enough Dubloons. 评论来自 ladynagini on 2020-01-15T06:22:46-06:00. As what you’re asking for is a game hint, it is likely you will find very little by way of specific information from players, and none at … I got one from my first Rotting Mire box. Snowblossom Salvage, Crestfall Salvage, Dread Chain Salvage, Skittering Hollow Salvage: Squawks: Rotting Mire Salvage, Crestfall Salvage: Stonehide Elderhorn: All Salvage except for Elemental Salvage and Venture Co. 'Salvage' Island Thunderscale: Jorundall Salvage: Risen Mare: Havenswood Salvage, Verdant Wilds Salvage Kommentar von Esinar Salvage crates, such as Bergungsgut von Jorundall, are new to patch 8.3 and are basically a form of loot box that allows you to spend Seefahrerdublone for a chance at the Island Expedition rewards. They are sold by a new vendor near the Island Expedition Map Table - Captain Kitt for the Horde and Captain Nightrunner for the Alliance. Can confirm. Always up to date with the latest patch. Comentado por ladynagini on 2020-01-15T06:22:46-06:00. Island Thunderscale. In Patch 8.3, you can now spend your Dubloons on Salvage Crates by the Island Expedition vendor. This Week in Island Salvage Crates for January 14th - Crestfall, Rotting Mire, Jorundall. I got one from my first Rotting Mire box. Can confirm. Pubblicato 14/01/2020 alle 23:36 da Squishei. As the thunderscale mount is the rarest of the island mounts (only one island will spawn thunderscale, and the chance of spawning them isn't even near 50%) this week is probably the best to spend coins on, even if you're gonna be grinding more islands for coins to get the other mounts later. I got one from my first Rotting Mire box. 评论来自 Esinar Salvage crates, such as 约伦达尔打捞品, are new to patch 8.3 and are basically a form of loot box that allows you to spend 海员达布隆币 for a chance at the Island Expedition rewards. In Patch 8.3, you can now spend your Dubloons on Salvage Crates by the Island Expedition vendor.