[2], Beginning in June 2010, the EBRPD, City of Pleasanton, and landscape architects Callander Associates held public meetings to discuss options for completing the trail within the city.[2]. We started in Dublin and rode to the end. [2] In 2003, BART proposed to also use the right-of-way for a DMU line from Walnut Creek station to Tracy via Pleasanton.[3]. Part of the Trans Canada Trail, the Iron Horse Trail is 5½ kilometres (3.4 miles), connecting Waterloo Park to Victoria Park and uptown Waterloo to downtown Kitchener. By Bay City News , News Partner Jun 29, 2020 3:49 p m PT Your donation will help us to continue connecting more people to trails around the country. ", TrailLink is a free service provided by Rails-to-Trails conservancy, We're a non-profit all about helping you enjoy the outdoors, Marsh Dr. near Buchanan Field Airport (Concord) and Valley Ave. and Busch Rd. In Alamo and Danville the trail passes behind big homes with a mature Oak Tree canopy. ", "I ride this western section every time I'm in the Walnut Creek area. Help defend and expand trails nationwide. Very, very busy trail on weekends. The northernmost part of the trail, as well as the proposed area around Suisun Bay, follows a marshy area, which is a haven for ducks and geese. Donation for Monument Fund. Dogs are also able to use this trail but must be kept on leash. This matches an existing overpass across 9 lane Ygnacio Valley Rd in Walnut Creek. Iron Horse Regional Trail. The Iron Horse Trail is the result of “almost 30 years of efforts by the East Bay Regional Park District, agency partners, elected officials and communities to gain support and the critical funding to make it possible,” said General Manager … Photo gallery includes detailed images of the trail, surroundings, and activities. Turn right on Dublin Boulevard and go 0.5 mile. The surface was paved the whole way and in very good shape. 2:00 – 4:00pm. Through the City of Walnut Creek, the trail passes along the creek, which here is in a giant box culvert. I've ridden the other portion of the Iron Hose but prefer this. Check or FAQs for more common login questions. I've used it to commute from San Ramon to Walnut Creek often, and it's convenient, well-maintained (in most spots), and a wonderful asset for cyclists, walkers, etc.You just can't really get up to speed and stay there because of the foot traffic and crazy drivers at crossings. Nearby parks include Dublin Sports Grounds, Stagecoach Park and Stagecoach Park. Some sections can get quite windy (southern section) but overall this a great place to build your confidence on longer rides. Join TrailLink (a non-profit) to view more than 30,000 miles of trail maps and more! California Railroad Historic Event. There are also numerous road crossings where you really need to look out for soccer moms driving Himalaya class SUVs (especially in Danville) to avoid being run over.All this being said, it's still a great place for a ride. We would have thought it would be better maintained. One million trips are made each year on the path.[5]. 12501 Alcosta Blvd, San Ramon, CA 94583. North on Norris Canyon road it is back to pavement, but is in need of repaving/resealing as the gravel and debris increases there. There is a gravel path that continues straight, but this is not the trail. The trail is built on what was once a Southern Pacific Railroad line from 1891. The trail offers a number of activity options and is accessible year-round. Foot traffic was not bad when I rode it midafternoon during a weekday. This location is in Dublin. Wish it would extend in either direction. Turn left onto Arnold Industrial Place and left again on Solano Way. The BART parking lot has a rest stop across the street featuring picnic tables, a drinking fountain and benches. Its nice to see the city and county investing serious money in the trail experience. History of the Iron Horse Trail. South of Walnut Creek, the trail passes under I-680 at Rudgear Road to the west side of the freeway. Would take BART from SF to Dublin and start my trail ride there up to the end in Concord near Martinez. Unfortunately, the trail is difficult to follow through the Heather Farms area - not enough signs. Despite initial skepticism, and even opposition, the trail is now a major transportation and recreation corridor. It travels through residential, industrial and commercial areas in a relatively straight route. It is available free at some of the trail kiosks, or search the internet for "EBRPD Iron Horse Trail". Today, the Iron Horse Trail connects two counties and twelve cities. My round trip on this trail included stops for food in the very accessible markets and restaurants along the route. [6] This segment opened in March 2008. Odd – because one of the sections was used by High School students in large groups going home – it is absolutely used as a transportation route – not just a multi-use trail for recreation. On the north end, there are plans to continue the trail to Suisun Bay in Martinez. The pathway for the trail was constructed along the abandoned railway bed of the Southern Pacific Rail Line. There are two places where I missed the turn. 2020 Hall of Fame feature: California’s Iron Iron Horse Regional Trail! If you live near BART, you can have a car-less day on the trail. I have been riding this trail regularly since 2013. Iron Horse Regional Trail is a 27.7 mile heavily trafficked point-to-point trail located near Pleasanton, California that features a river and is good for all skill levels. The Iron Horse Regional Trail has several bridges over busy thoroughfares to help improve traffic flow; two notable ones cross over Ygnacio Valley Road in Walnut Creek and Treat Boulevard in Contra Costa Centre. I love this trail. The trail is maintained by the East Bay Regional Park District. As you head south, the area becomes increasingly more urban, especially near downtown Walnut Creek. If you want to ride it one way start at pleasant hill station, 4 miles from the north end; and finish at Dublin station in the south. The trail starts at the current northern end just south of State Route 4, near Concord's Buchanan Field Airport's northeast corner. The Iron Horse Trail (27 miles) starts in Concord (near Hwy 4) and runs south through Pleasant Hill, then Walnut Creek and crosses eastward under I-680 at Rudgear Road (near a Park & Ride). I have explored from the southern end in Pleasanton up to Walnut Creek. When you cross Monument Boulevard, you need to pay attention. This line of track was constructed in 1891 and abandoned in 1977. Er führt entlang eines Flusses, vorbei an herrlichen Aussichtspunkten und es gibt schöne Wildblumen und oftmals Wildtiere zu sehen. Though it was great when I could find it, I got lost frequently trying to navigate between the unfinished sections in Concord on November 15, 2004. This popular and extensively used trail roughly follows Interstate 680, beginning in the city of Concord on its northern end and passing through Pleasant Hill, Walnut Creek, Alamo, Danville, San Ramon and Dublin before ending at the northeast edge of Pleasanton. This multi-use, whole-access trail between the cities of Concord and Pleasanton follows the Southern Pacific Railroad right-of-way established in 1891 and abandoned in 1977. This trail is located in inland central Alameda and Contra Costa counties, mostly following a Southern Pacific Railroad right of way established in 1891 and abandoned in 1977. Just past the depot is a pleasant area, featuring restaurants with outdoor seating overlooking the trail. It runs through quiet residential neighborhoods, lively business and commercial districts and shady greenbelts. Northbound at Monument blvd in concord, be sure to turn left (west) and cross the creek. Although the East Bay Regional Park District (EBRPD) still controlled the right of way, multiple developments were built encompassing the corridor, most notably Hacienda Business Park. Follow Solano Way and go under SR 4. The completed Iron Horse Regional Trail will span the distance from Livermore in Alameda County to Suisun Bay in Contra Costa County, a distance of 33 miles, connecting two counties and 12 cities. $4 million in regional and federal grants was allocated to complete this section of the trail. See my review of the Wabash Trace in Iowa if you want a long spin. The Iron Horse Regional Trail is a 32 mile long paved trail that runs from Concord to Dublin. ", "The Iron Horse Trail is not complete in Concord. The trail briefly leaves the former rail corridor at Arroyo Mocho and Santa Rita Road but picks it up again south of Stoneridge Drive. Each time I go I want to ride more. Event Sponsors. Turn right on Hopyard Road and proceed for 0.3 mile. As the trail slices through Dublin, the environment is urban once more. This Donation to This multi-use, whole-access trail between the cities of Concord and Pleasanton follows the Southern Pacific Railroad right-of-way established in 1891 and abandoned in 1977. The Walnut Creek section was a bit sketchy with some not so nice, unattractive sections with chain-link fences and rough surface. (Pleasanton). The completed Iron Horse Regional Trail, as of 2014, spans a distance of 32 miles. There are also some recreation fields and some houses/appartments as well. The pavement is in fairly good shape with few road snakes (Cracks). The completed Iron Horse Regional Trail, as of 2014, spans a distance of 32 miles. This trail passes by lots of residential areas so its well used. This location is Somewhat Walkable so some errands can be accomplished on foot. It runs south through Walnut Creek and crosses east under I-680 at Rudgear Road near a Park & Ride. [11], For other trails referred to as Iron Horse Trail, see, "Public Meeting #1, Iron Horse Trail (Dublin/Pleasanton BART Station to Santa Rita Road) Feasibility Study", "BART ponders eastern extensions / Planned routes call for unfamiliar trains", http://www.ebparks.org/parks/trails/iron_horse, "Iron Horse Trail Connects Concord, Pleasanton, Livermore and More", "At last, Pleasanton to complete Iron Horse Trail", "Missing link of Iron Horse Trail set for January completion", "Iron Horse Trail Feasibility Study and Master Plan / Santa Rita Road to the Dublin/Pleasanton BART Station", "Officials Celebrate Completion of Stanley Boulevard Improvements", "Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for East Pleasanton Specific Plan", Iron Horse Regional Trail - East Bay Regional Park, Iron Horse Regional Trail Page on RailsToTrails.us, Hiking Trails in Contra Costa County - Walnut Creek Wiki, Juan Bautista de Anza National Historic Trail, Pinnacle and Shorttail Gulch Coastal Access Trails, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Iron_Horse_Regional_Trail&oldid=970068560, Transportation in Alameda County, California, Transportation in Contra Costa County, California, Pages using Routemap with a separate navbar template, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 29 July 2020, at 01:54. Well planned trail. Currently, the Iron Horse Trail extends a total of 32 miles from Marsh Road in Concord to Isabel Avenue at the Pleasanton/Livermore border, connecting 9 communities. Iron Horse Regional Trail. The trail is adjacent to two BART stations, and somewhat close to three more. Danville residents who frequent the Iron Horse Regional Trail are advised that contractors will be conducting tree trimming and tree removal operations along the trail, between Love Lane and Del Amigo Road, starting this week. The Walnut Creek BART station is about a half mile off the trail here. This multi-use, whole-access trail between the cities of Concord and Pleasanton follows the Southern Pacific Railroad right-of-way established in 1891 and abandoned in 1977. The trail passes through the cities of Pleasanton, Dublin, San Ramon, Danville, Alamo, Walnut Creek, Pleasant Hill and Concord. Be sure to get the trail map from East Bay Parks (EBRPD). The trail is about 5 mile from the Pleasant Hill BART station. Overall – a GREAT ride! Iron horse trail is a long trail feeling m Dublin all the way to Walnut Creek (maybe Concord, but I’m not sure). "I have ridden this entire trail more than once and frequently ride parts of it. North Concord station is about 1.5 miles from the north end. The Iron Horse Trail is a long story of an enthusiastic band of trail builders, who convinced the often doubting politicians, local residents and some administrators that a trail could work to the local residents advantage without too much friction between trail users and those who lived near the trail. The rest of the trail was ok but a bit choppy (i.e., bumps, cracks) around the airport. Then the trail passes between a residential area, passes through downtown Alamo and the I usually ride the portion from Rudgear Road trailhead to San Ramon and back. This is a route-map template for the Iron Horse Regional Trail, an East Bay rail trail. Dmitry Kislyuk - Iron Horse Regional Trail (CA) - 2020-12-19 FKT: Dmitry Kislyuk - Iron Horse Regional Trail (CA) - 2020-12-19 Log in or register to post comments However, the route is very poorly signed -- at least Southbound. Next you reach the San Ramon Golf Club. Lots of families, bike riders and people on parts of the trail through out the day. [9], In April 2013, a new trail segment opened along Stanley Boulevard on the north side of Shadow Cliffs Lake in unincorporated Alameda County. A staging area here features parking, a drinking fountain, benches and tables. The completed Iron Horse Regional Trail, as of 2014, spans a distance of 32 miles. From this point, the trail meanders through residential areas, crossing streets numerous times—though traffic is typically low—and offers easy access to restaurants and shopping. After Bolinger, heading north it turns to concrete with expansion joints and is not the most pleasant ride. Picking up the trail again, you cross under I-680 to the east side and traverse Bishop Ranch Business Park, a commercial section that parallels the trail for about 2 miles. Past that and into Concord it was nice again except that there is an unmarked break in the trail at Monument Boulevard. In March, there was flowing water with wild flowers, geese and ducks. To reach the northern trailhead, take State Route 4 westbound to Arnold Industrial Way. For pictograms used, see Wikimedia Commons: BSicon/Catalogue . The project accommodated several obstacles, including routing through an existing business campus, two city parks, a residential development, an apartment complex, and three at-grade crossings of busy roads; it connects with the earlier southern segment at the intersection of two major streets. Representing interagency cooperation and a community-wide effort by individuals and groups, … ", "I ride this every time I'm in the Walnut Creek area. Aufgrund der Steigung und Distanz ist die Strecke für alle Leistungsniveaus geeignet. This trial is an easy walk. On the north end, there are plans to continue the trail to Suisun Bay in Martinez. Finally rode the Iron Horse after about a year of wanting to give it a try... overall, it's a decent trail that's really the only of its kind/length in the East Bay if you want to get at least 25 miles in. [7] Construction began in May 2013,[8] and the segment opened on July 25, 2014. There is a trail overpass under construction (march 2010) across 11 lane Treat Blvd in Pleasant Hill. The trail nears the Pleasant Hill BART station at about mile 5. Great trail for training long distance riding. The Iron Horse Regional Trail is a rail trail for pedestrians, horse riders and bicycles in the East Bay Area in California. The area surrounding the Iron Horse Regional Trail has an important history as part of the San Ramon Valley's agricultural and ranching past. It is a wheelchair accessible paved trail along with adjacent unpaved or soft trails in certain areas.[4]. Safe for single riders. Coupled with the Lafayette / Maraga and Contra Costa Canel trails this trail is part of a wonderful system. The latest segment of the Trail, which closed a gap of 1.8 miles from the Pleasanton/Dublin BART station to Santa Rita Road in Pleasanton, opened to the public on August 19th, 2014, after almost 30 years of planning and funding efforts. I'm new to biking and have become very fond of it. This multi-use, whole-access, dog-friendly trail between the cities of Concord and Dublin follows the Southern Pacific Railroad right-of-way established in 1891 and abandoned in 1977. The latest segment of the Trail, which closed a gap of 1.8 miles from the Pleasanton/Dublin BART station to Santa Rita Road in Pleasanton, opened to the public on August 19th, 2014, after almost 30 years of planning and funding efforts. It's a good learning trail to help u get ready for what's ahead. To reach the trailhead at the Dublin/Pleasanton BART station, exit Interstate 580 at Hopyard Road. Saturday, May 6, 2017. The signed trailhead is at the north end of the parking lot. Skirting the eastern fringe of the San Francisco Bay Area, the 32-mile trail offers convenient access to neighborhoods, schools, retail centers, parks and public transportation options in a handful of communities in … I’m rating the span from Dublin to San Ramon. The Iron Horse Regional Trail is a pedestrian and bicycle rail trail in the East San Francisco Bay Area in California.. Become a member and wear your FREE T-Shirt with pride. For information on using this template, refer to Wikipedia:Route diagram template . Because this trail is located in such a developed area, there are frequent breaks and road crossings. ", "I recently completed almost 31 round trip miles on the Iron Horse Regional Trail. All in all, it's a great resource, but it can be clogged with pedestrians, dog walkers who refuse to keep their dogs close, baby strollers, and more, on nice days. Once you're on the greenway south of Walnut Creek, the trail becomes far more clear... until just before Dublin BART, where it's interrupted by a misaligned cross at Dublin Blvd., where there is no signage to indicate that you need to go up the block to cross, then back down the block to resume the trail. This was the Monument Corridor Trail in Concord. The trail is now part of the East Bay Regional Parks Department. Iron Horse Regional Trail has a Walk Score of 68 out of 100. I 680 is hardly noticed except when the trail goes under it. We simply crossed a road and ended up on the wrong trail without noticing and there are no markings at all to say turn left here and go a few feet to the Iron Horse Trail so we found ourselves dumped onto a street unexpectedly. At the current northern end, the trail begins just south of State Route 4, near the northeast corner of Buchanan Field Airport in Concord. Short connector at the south end of the Iron Horse Regional Trail that takes you a bit more south into Pleasanton and connects to the Arroyo Las Positas Canal Trails From Walnut Creek heading south was just fine. At Cedar Falls, the west end of Iron Horse State Park, the Palouse to Cascades State Park Trail connects to the Snoqualmie Valley Trail of the King County Regional Trail System. In February 2011, the Pleasanton City Council voted to ratify the EBRPD master plan developed based on these meetings. Contra Costa Fire crews contained multiple fires Monday afternoon along the Iron Horse Regional Trail near Concord. It's going to be nice when the trails are replaced with new asphalt. After the busy Broadway/Danville intersection, the trailhead is well-marked at all. The completed Iron Horse Regional Trail, as of 2014, spans a distance of 32 miles. The Iron Horse Trail was the old rail owned by Southern Pacific. Also south of Dougherty Rd is not bad going to BART. San Ramon is home to the 2000 acre office parks. Riding through different towns makes the ride more interesting and gives a cyclist the feeling of safety. Yes this is suburbia, and there are lots of cars. The city of Pleasanton initially chose not to preserve the transportation corridor within its city limits. Representing interagency cooperation and a community-wide effort by individuals and groups, … The city of Pleasanton initially chose not to preserve the transportation corridor within its city limits. There is an unmarked mis-alignment at the at-grade crossing at Monument Blvd. The Iron Horse Trail provides a scenic and historic route linking the cities of Waterloo and Kitchener along a former railway corridor. This trail gets 4.5 stars – there are some sections that area not all that great, but for the most part of the 24.5 miles we rode (both ways) are fabulous! When completed, the trail will span from Livermore in central Alameda County to Suisun Bay at the northern edge of Contra Costa County, a distance of over 40 miles (64 km) connecting two counties and nine communities. See 9 photos and 3 tips from 154 visitors to Iron Horse Regional Trail. This Rails-to-Trails pathway was constructed along an abandoned railroad line. Fun ride. A rest stop across the street from the BART parking lot features picnic tables, a drinking fountain and benches. I suggest checking the weather first and riding the same direction as the wind, usually from North to South. I turned left because i was going south and thats South. Iron Horse Bike Trail The Iron Horse Bike Trail Course. Gradual up grade going south with lots of shade, shops and stop signs. Previously an unused railroad corridor, this "rail-trail" is now a great place to walk Fido in Alamo! But its 1 mile until there is a way to get back on the trail. There are a couple of underpasses – but you notice right away if you miss them and can see where the trail is – like at Concord Avenue. Plans call for the trail to be extended farther south to Stanley Boulevard in Pleasanton, where an existing bike trail leads east to Livermore. The final stretch runs in a wide corridor between fenced-in backyards before ending at Valley Avenue. There is a great variety of scenery and many nice places to stop and take a break and or snack (Danville). The end of the trail is through an open field on the side of an airport and can get quite windy – but it isn’t long and is just part of the experience. "This long, flat trail is ideal for jogging, walking, or cycling and runs..." Trail in Hercules, CA This trail goes through mostly suburban areas. Turn right onto Marsh Drive. The trail bisects the golf course, with chain-link fencing providing protection from errant golf balls. I've only rose on it 2 times 10 miles the 20 miles. Coordinates: .mw-parser-output .geo-default,.mw-parser-output .geo-dms,.mw-parser-output .geo-dec{display:inline}.mw-parser-output .geo-nondefault,.mw-parser-output .geo-multi-punct{display:none}.mw-parser-output .longitude,.mw-parser-output .latitude{white-space:nowrap}37°49′26″N 122°00′22″W / 37.823961°N 122.00604°W / 37.823961; -122.00604. [10] This leaves a .6 miles (0.97 km) gap between the end of the Pleasanton portion of the trail and the west end of this new segment, which ends at the Livermore city limits on the east end of the segment. The Iron Horse Regional Trail is a 32-mile long multi-use paved trail that extends from the City of Concord to the City of Pleasanton in Central California. Further south in San Ramon and Dubin the trail follows another creek. The East Pleasanton Specific Plan Project includes plans to complete this gap along future extensions to Busch Road and El Charro Road to Stanley Boulevard. The Iron Horse Regional Trail is a 32-mile long paved trail that extends from Concord to Pleasanton. Street parking is limited. On a weekend there are lots of bikers, joggers, dog walkers, and kids. The signed trailhead is on your left. The Iron Horse Regional Trail is a rail trail for people on foot, horse riders and bikes in the East Bay Area in California Ca.The two districts acquired the privilege of a path around then, meaning to utilize it as a transportation passageway; the Iron Horse Trail was first settled in 1986. Additional bridges are in the planning process. Bicycle and pedestrian overpasses span Treat Boulevard near the Pleasant Hill BART and Ygnacio Valley Road in a congested section of Walnut Creek. It is really ready for resealing or repaving, but is ridable as of right now. Turn right on Demarcus Boulevard, which leads to the station. The Iron Horse Regional Trail is one of 1600 rail-trails supported by Rails-to-Trails Conservancy, a nonprofit organization that is working to create a nationwide network of trails from former rail lines and connecting corridors. Dedicated by City of San Ramon. Unfortunately, repairs are under way, so I could not ride the part of the trail with some climbs, but as a railroad right-of-way I can anticipate mild gradients even on the climbs.The way north from Dublin to Ramona yeilded a mere climb of 250-feet over 15 miles, so it is an easy spin for most cyclists. The trail from Dublin through Danville and Alamo was really excellent, going through nice neighborhoods, has a GREAT, smooth surface and was sheltered for the most part so wind was not a great factor either way. Lots of places to stop for restroom, food, etc. If you want long stretches where you can hammer, forget it. the Iron Horse trail is 100% paved, so if you are on a gravel road, you made a wrong turn. It was a bit confusing and difficult to get back to the trail we wanted. A friend and I rode this trail as part of a two-day bike ride in East Bay – riding the Iron Horse Trail and the Contra Costa Canal Trails. Get a FREE Rail Trails Guidebook when you become a Member with Rails-to-Trails Conservancy. I skate the portion from Dougherty Road to Bollinger canyon regularly. You next pass the Dublin/Pleasanton BART station and cross under I-580 before heading through some of Dublin and Pleasanton's dense housing and business development. Much of the trail in this section includes a dirt running path adjacent to the asphalt bike trail. Although the East Bay Regional Park District (EBRPD) still controlled the right of way, multiple developments were built encompassing the corridor, most notably Hacienda Business Park. Iron Horse State Park contains the most developed portion of the trail. [1] The two counties purchased the right of way at that time, intending to use it as a transportation corridor; the Iron Horse Trail was first established in 1986. This trail is located in inland central Alameda and Contra Costa counties, mostly following a Southern Pacific Railroad right of way established in 1891 and abandoned in 1977. The completed Iron Horse Regional Trail, as of 2014, spans a distance of 32 miles. Plans call for the trail to be extended farther south to Stanley Boulevard in Pleasanton, where an existing bike trail leads east to Livermore. The first work on the trail in Pleasanton began in March 2006, creating a new section about 1 mile (1.6 km) long on the south side of the city. Iron Horse Regional Trail – Sign Unveiling. If you want to bike the entire Iron Horse Trail, you can begin in Concord near Highway 4. The West portion of Contra Costa Canel section is an off-shoot and is interesting in the view of the Walnut Creek area from the base of Mt Diablo where the trail loops back toward town. Southbound at Rudgear Road in Walnut Creek, after crossing under I-680, turn right (north) on Danville Blvd for 0.1 miles. View photos of the Iron Horse Regional Trail on TrailLink. The trail also directly connects to both the Dublin/Pleasanton and Pleasant Hill BART stations. Iron Horse Regional Trail ist ein 27.7 Meilen langer, stark besuchter Streckenabschnitt in der Nähe von Dublin, Kalifornien. North of Pleasant Hill the trail follows a wide creek. (about mile marker 4.0), then again at Newell Ave in downtown Walnut Creek. This left a gap in the trail, approximately 1.6 miles (2.6 km) long, extending from the Dublin side of the Dublin/Pleasanton BART station to Santa Rita Road near the Stoneridge Drive intersection, where the new segment begins. Nearby at the corner of Railroad and Prospect avenues is the old Southern Pacific Depot, which is the only original depot remaining on the line. But we did and coming back figured out what the problem was. In Danville, the trail passes directly behind the commercial downtown area. Sketchy with some not so nice, unattractive sections with chain-link fences rough... Through Dublin, the Pleasanton city Council voted to ratify the EBRPD master plan developed based these! And is accessible year-round get the trail experience connects to both the Dublin/Pleasanton and Pleasant BART. Section every time i 'm in the Walnut Creek BART station Lafayette / Maraga and contra Fire. 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